Posts Tagged: The Queen

Thank you, Ma’am

Like me, you were probably watching the telly on Thursday afternoon, or tuned into the radio, or keeping a close eye on social media for the news we knew must be coming but were collectively dreading. TV cameras were trained – rather ghoulishly, I felt – on the railings of Balmoral, and the royal palaces… Read more »

Jubilee? It passed us by.

The bunting is down Well, it didn’t take long to get that red, white, and blue bunting down, did it? That might be because we didn’t put any up. Did you? If you did, I didn’t see it. The only house I saw that was displaying any patriotic bunting belongs to the (Conservative) councillor who… Read more »

70 years our Queen. But is she happy?

Our Queen: 70 years of the daily grind All weekend, every time I turned on the telly, there were images of a little old lady in immaculate hats, coats, and sparkly broches, cutting a cake, shaking hands, smiling, and waving. And what I saw wasn’t a life to envy, but a woman to pity. Seventy… Read more »