Some days, it feels good just to be outside. Last weekend was a lovely combination of pottering in the garden, an al fresco catch-up with friends, and a ‘fresh’ (freezing!) swim in the clear waters of a favourite loch. To hang onto that outdoorsy feeling, I took myself off for a cycle this morning. Solo,… Read more »
Posts Tagged: mental Health
Have we ever got it right with mental health care?
If you’ve seen any coverage of the art work on top of the ITV building in London, you can’t fail to have been moved. Project 84 is a disturbing representation of an even more disturbing statistic; 84 life-size human figures standing perilously close to the edge of the building’s rooftop represent the 84 men in… Read more »
Mental illness. Speaking out to stop the stigma
Daytime TV comes in for a lot of stick, and quite rightly so. The repetitive cycle of programmes about tracing heirs, flogging antiques and moving to the sun is enough to send anyone who is off sick back to the office before their doctor’s line expires. But a prompt from Alastair Campbell on Twitter drove… Read more »