The point of no more repairs? £3000 ago. We scrapped our car this week, Mr Marr and me. It failed its MOT (again) and with an estimate of £700 plus VAT to carry out the repairs, we had reached that point of it being foolish to spend any more. In all honesty, that point of… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Eden Court
Tributes: to a friend, to Mr Marr & to my second Highland home.
From the end of this week I will no longer feel quite as ‘at home’ at my second home in the Highlands. This isn’t a ‘second home’ holiday pad I’m talking about – it’s the place I have probably spent about as many evenings sitting in as on my own settee in the past two… Read more »
This place? It gets under your skin.
The thing about the north of Scotland is that it gets under your skin. And it seems to suck people in, regardless of background or age. From the tranquillity of the islands in the heart of Inverness, to the majesty of the Cairngorms, there is beauty at every turn. Where better to walk on a… Read more »
Keep Christmas contained! And fun with albums…
So far, this is what I know about Christmas 2015. Daughter #1 is coming home from Glasgow University to grace us with her presence for ‘a few days’. Her ambitious social plans for the rest of her holidays haven’t been finalised yet, so we can’t guarantee that she’ll still be with us for Hogmanay. We… Read more »
Who remembers Jackie magazine? And I’m hooked on Outlander!
I distinctly remember receiving my first Jackie annual. It was a present for my ninth birthday in 1975. I was, at nine, far too young to be worrying about boyfriends, fashion and David Cassidy, so my mum immediately confiscated it. She hid it, not very convincingly, at the top right hand side of her wardrobe…. Read more »
Life lessons from panto. And pubs need to do better.

Pantomime. It’s a uniquely British tradition; men dressing up in outlandish frocks, jokes for the kids (and jokes to go over their heads), a sloppy love story, spontaneous singing and dancing, and loads of audience participation. The Americans can’t understand the genre at all, and the French are far too cool to bother trying. In… Read more »