2015 is Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink.
Hot on the heels of the successes of 2014 – the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup and the Year of Homecoming – Scotland’s larder will be in the spotlight.
From the freshest of fish and cheeses, the finest lamb, beef and venison, tothe best and brightest berries, it’s time to shout loud and proud about the abundance and quality of our natural larder. Without in any way offending our Italian cousins, it’s time to ditch ricotta and bring back crowdie. Out with cavolo nero, and in with red kale!
And the Scottish celebration doesn’t end on our plates, it fills our glasses too. We all know the story of whisky, but there are plenty of treats to be found for beer drinkers too, with top notch micro-breweries popping up, creating lagers and ales to please all palates. And for those of a more sober persuasion (or if you’ve been designated as driver for the night) award winning home-produced soft drinks and cordials are a refreshing and welcome alternative to cola or fizzy water.
Our larder, especially in and around the Highlands of Scotland, is world class, and as such needs to be celebrated.
Join me in that celebration. Regularly throughout 2015 I’ll be picking a ‘hero’ product, either food or drink, and sharing its joys with you. There will be recipe ideas and cooking tips, links to stockists and suppliers, and occasional nutritional advice too. Don’t be misled – I’m not a chef, I’m just a keen home cook with a passion for local produce. As a working mum my time is short, so I’m a real fan of ‘quick and easy’ cooking; I prefer to leave ‘fussiness’ to professionals. But there will be plenty for vegetarians and Coeliacs too – we’re fairly ‘dietary-requirement-heavy’ in my family!
There will be tastes I have yet to discover, delis whose doors I haven’t darkened, and gins I have yet to enjoy. If you’ve stumbled upon a local product which needs higher profile, or produce a food or drink item that you’d like me to feature, then get in touch, and we can talk.
Please pass this link on to anyone who would find it interesting. And do get in touch with your suggestions and comments. And here’s to a happier, healthier and altogether tastier 2015!